Packet Pick Up
PHARR YMCA 208 Main Street, McAdenville
Please arrive during one of the following times to pick up your bib and shirt. Come in the front door that faces Main Street. You can park in front of the building, in the church lot beside it, or behind the building off Elm or Park Drive.
All bibs must be picked up by 4:30 PM on race day.
Wednesday, November 27 - 10 AM to 5 PM
Friday, November 29 - 12 PM to 4 PM
RACE DAY - Pharr YMCA at 208 Main Street, outside in front of the building
Saturday, November 30 - 2 to 4:30 PM
All bibs must be picked up by 4:30 PM on race day.
You are able to pick up packets for runners other than yourself. We just need the name they registered under to pull up their information.
You will not be able to change shirt sizes at packet pick up.
You will always be able to resend the registration confirmation for any registrations associated with your Profile (including any sub-accounts of yours) by following these steps:
1. Log in to your RunSignUp account by clicking the circle icon in the top right of this page.
2. Go to your Profile
3. See your events under Upcoming Events
4. Click Resend Confirmation next to the registration that you would like to resend the confirmation email
5. Check the email listed in your Profile for your registration confirmation
At that point, the confirmation email will be sent to the email address associated with that registration.
Any packets not claimed after race day will not be mailed. You will have one week to email us at to arrange a time to pick up your shirt. Anything not claimed by Saturday, December 7 will be donated.